15 June 2015

UN Blue Peace March (Warsaw, Poland)

Drodzy, dołączajcie do akcji ‪#‎ChcePokojuNaSwiecie‬ na 70 lat ONZ! 20 czerwca Nowym Światem w Warszawie przejdzie Błękinty Marsz. Pamiętajcie: silna ONZ to lepszy świat! ‪#‎UN70‬

Dear all, join the action #ChcePokojuNaSwiecie (I want peace in the world!) organized in 70th anniversary of esteblishing the United Nations. On the 20th of June at Nowy Świat Str. in Warsaw you can join the Blue March. Remember: strong UN equals better world! #UN70


More info at the UN website: http://www.unic.un.org.pl/unic-activities/blekitny-marsz-pokoju-onz-w-warszawie/2802

UP Concert Chorus won the Grand Prix in the 6th International Krakow Choir Festival

Related Post: http://pinoysinpoland.blogspot.com/2015/06/6th-international-krakow-choir-festival.html

The UP Concert Chorus, the only Asian choir that participated in the 6th International Krakow Choir Festival, won the Grand Prix for being the best choir in the festival, alongside winning 1st Prize in Category A (Mixed Choirs) and 2nd Prize in Category F (Folk, Popular, and Gospel) in the said competition.

The members of the jury were some of the most well-known and distinguished musicians around the globe namely Romuald Twardowski, Ko Matshushita, Javier Busto, Irina Roganova, and Rihards Dubra. UPCC bested various choirs from 10 different countries.

Mabuhay ang Korus! Mabuhay ang UP! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

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